Friday, April 5, 2024

Post #5 - Learned for the EOTO Technology presentations

  I learned many things from all the presentations. The one that stood out the most for me was the newspaper.  

    When I think about the newspaper, I think of the 1900s. I never thought that the first newspaper would be from 59 BCE. People were sharing information even before the creation of paper. They had to write on stones and put them in the town center.

When paper was made it still took a long time to write everything. They only made one copy and placed it in community centers so everyone could see it.  A revolution was the printing press. Now people could mass produce papers so people could have their own copies. 

    As now it was easy to create newspapers many people made their own versions of the news. Some governments didn’t like how easily information could be spread. They wanted to control the media, so newspaper journalist had to hide their identities.

    One thing that I found to be interesting was the use of yellow journalism. Yellow journalism exaggerates the news stories to create eye-catching headlines. It was the clickbait before the internet. It was used to increase the sales of newspapers. This hurt the integrity of the newspapers as their articles were less trustworthy. 

        Newspapers were the main source of news
for 100s of years. Sharing information from gossip, sports, important events, and politics was easy. This all ended in 2005 with the internet. News can be shared with anyone on the internet. The switch from newspaper to online news has made access to more than one news source earlier and it saves tons of paper. Most of the large names in the newspaper business adapted to the Internet age by creating websites to post their articles. Companies like the New York Times
and The Wall Street Journal have millions of subscribers to their websites.

    Though printed newspapers are almost obsolete their impact on the world is incalculable. The legacy of newspapers is being carried on through websites. Now information on any topic you can think of is just a click away. 

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