Thursday, April 25, 2024

Post #11 - Living in the Age of Ai

In my lifetime, I have seen AI grow from something that was only a fantasy to using myself for basic tasks. When I was a kid I thought AI was a lost cause that we couldn’t make conventing AI projects. Now I have to check every image I see to see if it is AI-generated.

In this video, I learned about all the jobs that will be lost if AI continues on the path that it is on. One of the jobs that I didn’t think about losing is truck drivers. If there are safe self-driving cars, when there will not be a need for drivers. There are 3.5 million truck drivers in the United States alone. 

I am less worried about the jobs that will be lost, but the security of the growth of AI. People can make deep fakes of people and recreate voices. Now it is so easy to tell what is AI-generated, but it will not be long before it will be almost impossible to tell what is reality and what is fiction. 

As of right now, 25 states have artificial intelligence bills and 18 states are enacting legislation on the topic. The number of AI-based bills is growing as it is becoming more of a threat. In 2022, 37 countries created bills with the words “artificial intelligence” compared with the 127 countries today. Though the number of bills around the topic is increasing they will be a learning curve as governments learn how to deal with these issues. 

I saw someone ask why are we teaching AI to create images and write. They said that they would like AI to do work so humans would have the time to be creative. I think this idea. As a creative person, it would be better to make AI to aid us in our work so we have free time for artistic things. 

AI should be a tool to help humans not replace them.

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