Friday, April 12, 2024

Post #7 - Privacy, Online and Off

    Everywhere you go you are being watched. Whether you are in the physical world or online you are being observed. That is scary but the worst part is you have no idea who has access to all of this data. 

    This is an issue that affects everyone that is on the internet. Everything you say or post online is collected and sold to third parties. This information is used from marking to stalking. This collection of data is only for large companies to make more money off their users.  Your data is worth over $600 to companies like Facebook and Google. 

    I was taught there are things to don’t talk about online, so I assumed I was safe from data theft. After watching these videos I learned that people are interested in more than just your address or credit card number. All they need is an image to collect details about you. 

    I rarely post on social media, but my mom posts a lot. These videos showed me that you don't have just worry about what you post about yourself but what others say about you as well. 

    The thing that I was thinking about while watching these videos was the time they were made. Most of the videos are over five years old. Technology changes and advances quickly. The issues are worse than when these videos were posted.

    As of right now, there is no law managing online privacy. The government needs to protect the data of citizens from not just other countries but companies as well. There should be limits on the collected information and the people who can access that information. Governments around the world need to come together to protect everyone's privacy. 

    Finn Myrstad pointed out that people don’t read the terms and conditions when creating accounts. If they did read the terms they probably didn’t understand as they are filled with jargon. The government should make still important contracts easier to understand so people know what they are signing up for.   

    When doing the research for this post every website asked me to accept cookies. My Google searches for this information were tracked and recorded. The amount of information that we collect for this one assignment is alarming. This is an issue that needs to be solved quickly before it is too late. 

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